Sunday, November 16, 2008

found the article

Alright so I have good news, I found the article... cool
My thoughts and feelings about Mulculn. Power to him. I agree and disagree with some of his points. He believed that " the medium is the message" and that the dominent media at any given time in society determines the basis of social organization and collective life. Yes, true that makes alot of sense but just cause he said that doesnt mean its true. I agree to it to an extent. I kinda feel like the media is a way of letting everyone have a form of connection to eachother and just getting everything if people wanted to out there. I dont think its a bad thing, I kinda feel like or the way i took it as atleast like it was a bad thing that hte media is doign this. I think giving hte exposure of thigns threw the media helps others to for example with trends and styles. It can make one idea into another idea and than just explode into something great, good, consumer worthy and than everyones happy. I also think that society has more of an impact than the media does on forming hte society. If we dont like it than its gone, if a majoirty of us like it thann its stays for however long someone invents somethign new and what not.

Moving on. Next point. He mentions how new technologies and forms of communication are changinggg the way humans acting and thinking. WEll, duh. I again feel as if he sees it as a bad thing. Anything that we learn or see, experience is going to change the way we think and are acting. I think its a good thing in some ways. MOre information is being sent out more knowledge more power and maybe less nieve people.

I just think we are all pleasure seekers and yes can and are lazy. WE want and need constant comfort and pleasures of any kind. Anything htat is goign to stimuliate that part of the brain we will do. Wheather it is trying to invent new technologies that makes life just easier. We are an age of technology its just the way things are going we want to improve and of course with improving comes many flaws. WE can't go back in time its just hte way things are. Anythign that is goign to be like a quick fix a click away, a dial away,and what not. Fast, easy, We will consume it there is no denying it.

Last point im goign to chit chat about.

How the computer doesnt simuliate the let side of the brain, the left side of the brain is more for math reading and all of that good stuff. I think it does. I read alot of things on line. Infact my banking info is online, theres some numbers for ya hence math. I know he means like actualy doing a problem but I dont know I do alot of reading and writing online so I dont realy get what he is trying to say about computers.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm just being honest

So honestly, I attempted to find the article that we had to read. I know this is not what we were suppose to do, because I cant find the article, that I was suppose to read and write about. In my attempts I wanted to do a blog because I have to. ( so professor. jones I did try to email you but for some odd reason I have bad luck with many situations, including my email. Please be understanding and take in consideration my situation and my initiative for still acknowleding my homework and doing this blog. Thank you)

Since in class we have talked about many situations with the media including the effects of video games, like world of war craft, second life, and other entertaining "video games" that People engage hours and hours in. I ended up having an intellectual conversation with a fellow student and their major and how they feel like the media mainly video games that intrigue us to the point where we dont live out our "real" lives effects their aspect on the major they are going into and why people are the way they are ( example obesity in up and coming generations). I also will add that this fellow gentleman was an phys Ed major and had believed that it isn't mainly genetics that is making a majority of us ( younger ones mainly) obese but its the parenting in letting the children spend hours and hours at a time with only excersizing their thumb muscles.

Yes new tehcnology and special effects can take our breath away, but it could also seems to put our lives at jeopardy! With our health, social skills, and our overly all warped perseption of whats real and whats not.
Little by little their could be less and less children outside, and more of them inside zoned out to a t.v. screen. The parents need to change, and gym in schools must be more informative with health foods, and just intense.