Friday, October 31, 2008

chapter 13 questionn

After reading chapter thirteen a few thoughts came to mind. The one that stuck out most in my head because im learning "social learning " in my psychology class was the whole idea that media can change, our behavior and or perception of ideas, people, places, and ect.
It stated in the book about that one experiment that these people did were that they took several children, put them in different rooms and had them watch a film. All the films were of this child beating up a bo bo doll of some sort. Each film had a different ending. One was the child getting a "spanking" at the end, the other got rewarded with candy, and the last one only showed the begining. ( Keep in mind that all of these kids were choosen at random no particilar reason for which ones went to wich film race, gender, was not a huge role in where they went in for the films). They than had the kids go into a room where that same bo bo doll was. The kids who watched the film that in the end they were rewarded, beat up the dolls, where the kids who saw the film that got a spanking didn't touch the doll unless they were already violent kids, and the kids without an punishment or reward ending did the same with the doll as it was shown in the film, beat it up.

In my question that i thought up of was Does the media effect out percetipions on other parts of the world? Example: Does the News, and more movies portray the south as a bunch of hillbillies, lunatics, man eating, KKK worshiping, illiterate human beings.
There has been man times in movies such as The Texas chain saw masacare, taking place in Texas, where they were portrayed as that. In the news when describing someone from the south they would emphisisze the fact that they were "uneducated" and what not.

Could the media be injecting fear to us in the north, and skewing our percetion of how it is down in the southern states excluding Florida. This goes into my Hypothesis. I think that the media is portraying the south in an inhumane way. The media wheather it is in films, the news, television shows it is setting our attitudes, and perceptons on certain places, people, and ect.

In my "method" for testing out this idea of mine, I would do the same as what was done in chapter thirteen to the children with the violence of the film they watched. I'd also do a experimental research.

I would have people in different rooms where a film was being watched. One film would be representing all hte negative sides of the south threw clips of the news, movies, and shows. To see if it would end up injecting fear, violence, or just a skewed percetion of the south

and than the second film would be of the south but injecting positive happy thoughts about it. Showing the southern hospitality, down to earth, intelligent people in it and parts of it.

Than I could either have them fill out a questionere about the south, and or have them go out down south or be presented with different "actors" who are of southern "looks" and see how they would interact with them. This would help me see if they interacted differently because of the film and if it had changed there percetion on it and what not.

The media i believe at an early age molds our percetion and views on thigns, since we aren't always able to go out in the "real world" to see and actually experience what is there. It its our other way of education source of thigns around the world. If it is misrepresented than forever will it be in our minds/ percetion of what was told to us if it is our only way of knowing how it really is.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

movieee religouseise (sp??)

okay so, i decieded to go see the movie. I want to say is that i enjoyed it and if anyone has free time on their hands and wants to spend 10.50 on it, its worth it. Comical and informative.
I really enjoyed the fact he talked about the three major religions, Christian, Jewish, and Muslims. The one thing that i wish he did was talk about the jewish religion and muslim religion equally as he did about the christian relgion in the documentary. The point i think he was trying to get across ( or atleast it hought he was) was to basicaly in a sense get rid of relgion, or show that its all a bunch of " bull". I understand that and can see how things are stories. But that just brings total chaos if people really knew that. The point of relgion in some aspects is to prevent chaos.Yet its so ironic, because look at the world today in the 21 century. CHAOS EVERYWHERE! even in your daily life with any struggle your battling threw.

The one thing that i coudl say i disagreed with him was bout the whole miracle thing. I mean yeah it could be councidental but there as been things that have happened to me, just like the guy who mentioend the asked for rain adn ten seconds later it poured, have happend to me. I dont know if its timing but its really really really funny how things like that work out, and like i dont think it was councidental. Just at that moment, the right moment God just so happend to be listening to you. I agreed that he doesnt think hes AlWAYS listening to you( ex: santa claus bringing presents to everyone, and god listening to you segment in the movie) but just may want to show that he is there... maybee. haha who realy knows. just like bill was saying WHO REALLY KNOWS?! and i guess we wont really ever know. If it makes someone feel better and gets them threw the day than hey, let them belive what they want, cause its too late know to change what has been done.

and i dont think any religion is better than the other, to think that is just silly, and to think that youll go to heaven over someone else because your religion is better... i mean... come on. So in the end i enjoyed the movie, got me thinking, didnt change my views completly on certain things, but made me realize that we are all corrupt in a sense.