Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Medium That Has Changed My Life

There has been many "mediums" that have changed my life over the years. Such as my cell phone. My first cell phone that I had was when i was 13. It is basically very much a part of me. It might as well be a legimet on me. When I dont have my cell phone I feel lost and uncomfertable. The feeling of not being able to contact the outside world and no one being able to contact me, absoutly drives me crazy and scares me a bit.I have lost my phone for a few days and it has been broken for several days as well. I really didn't know what to do with myself when i dont have my phone;even if i am not using it. Without it i felt so lost. It is almost like a security blanket in a way. LIfe without my cell phone is now considered "weird" and much so an everyday necesity to me. It just has to be with me or atleast in my range to see it. The cellphone is a huge medium that has changed my life.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Time magazine photoograph

The photograph that i choose to do was of a surviving cancer patient. Some backround history of him is that he is 55, he had oral cancer and was diagnosed on March 2008. His name is Robert and he has never smoked a day in his life. He went to go get tested one day and turns out he had to get 30% of his tongue cut out. He is now going threw speach therapy and hopefully after the feeding tubes and speach is better he can go back to becoming the teacher he was before this fiasco.

I really like this photograph alot. I like how the backround is grey, and he is holding an black umbrella. On top of all of that he is wearing a bright yellow t- shirt. I feel like the photographer, is trying to send the message of even threw dark times there is always a time to shine threw. It wont be long until the rainy days pass;somethign along the lines of that. It also gives of a chance of hope in the picture with Robert ( the one being photographed ) smirking. He just seems happy to beable to have positive outcome out of all of this chaos. It reminds me of that song " rain drops keep falling on my head, because im free, nothign is worrying me ". I get that whole sense out of it too. I get a sense of that he is calm threw all of hte chaos going around him.

( the picture wont paste on the blog but here is the url to it.)
